About Me

I love storytelling. Its a core part of who I am and has been for pretty much my entire life. While I’ve dabbled in other mediums (and still do), film is by far the one I’ve devoted the most time and energy too. It’s a love that started with watching the appendices on the Lord of the Rings DVDs as a kid and then blossomed when I took a film studies class in high school.

In 2016 I graduated from Towson University with a bachelors in Electronic Media and Film as well as a minor in English. Since then, I’ve worked in video post-production for over six years, first as a freelancer, and then as an in-house editor for Mytonomy, a company specializing in videos for patient education.

On my own time I’ve written, directed, and edited dozens of short films, some for class, some for contests, and some simply because I felt I had a story to tell. I’m always flush with ideas (far more than I can manage) and seeking out new skills to realize them, all while collaborating with my friends as often as I can. Juggling a half dozen projects at various stages has been my reality for years now and, frankly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.